Monday, December 29, 2008

Found Pictures in camera

I came across these photos in the camera the other day when I was getting it ready for Christmas. I think they are what Emily took at Thanksgiving. Her random shots she is calling them. You will See my mom, I love my mom so much she works real hard, and lives her life for the Lord. I wish I could see her more, I wish I could see more of my whole family I miss them a lot. Next you might see my aunt Shari, she has the blondish brown hair, aunt Cindy has the red hair, and uncle Randy has a ball cap on. Everyone should know Memaw and Papaw the sweetest couple here. I love my Memaw so much whenever I need anything I know I can call her and talk to her and she will make me fell better. She is the most Godliest woman I know she is very wise. I love her very much. My brother and his little boy Fletcher are very precious to my heart too. I think my brother has had a hard life, but I do know that he is a great dad and would do anything for anyone he has such a big heart. Now my sister, I love my sister very much I am very proud of her and the person she has become. She is a great mom, and wife, and a great friend I value her friendship. I am sometimes jealous of the relationship that she has with our mother because they are closer than mom and me, but I know that I am right were God has me for today. OK enough talk I want you to see the pic's and meet some of them OOOO there is A LOT more we are a BIG family so we will start slowly. The little ones are Taylor, Fletcher and baby Nate.

Lets catch up!!

The Kids, Dusty, and my Dad left as soon as Thanksgiving lunch was over ( yes I know I am behind here). They left for deer camp, for four days. I had four days to shop and get my Christmas done without any kiddos here getting in the middle of it, and I did and it was great. Well they had a great time too, Hannah skinned her first deer with a golf ball and a 4-wheeler, she also got to cook in the cook shack with some of the men. that was right up her ally. They all got to go muddin on the 4-wheelers and throw the knives and tomahawks with Mr. Mike. They had a great time, and can't wait til next year.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Hey there yes it is me Two post in what 24 hours. I KNOW!!!!! Well I have some catching up to do. So on Tuesday the 28th the kids were out of school for parent/teacher conf., My day was filled up we started at 9:00am at the orthodontist. Emily got her spacers put in (6). she will have her braces top and bottom put on next Thursday. praying for everything to go smoothly and that she will not be to sore.

Next were off to the conf. Of course the teachers had great things to say about all of my kiddos. All of Emily's teacher's just lover her, said she was the perfect student. Always got her work in on time, and never gave them any trouble. Next time we are going to try to bring that 88.4 in science up for all A's. Hannah has a AWESOME teacher I love the Elementary. She is doing everything they need to get ready for the 5th grade, and Hannah is doing well. 4th was such a hard year for Emily, I am so glad that Hannah is taking it a lot better. She had good grades too A/B. Clay has Ms. Ricketts I love her. she is so much fun, and clay is a funny boy. She started off with he has all A's and he is a good writer he writes some wonderful stories, and great poems. WOW was I shocked. Then she said he is already reading 101 words per min. and at AT THE END OF 2ND GRADE they are only required to read at 90 words per min.!!! WOW again ( and these are not little 3 or 5 letter words either) they are chapter books with hard words I am so proud of him, of All my kids They are all good readers. Just makes you feel good to know that your kiddos are getting the education they need. Thanks Vilonia!!!!!!! There may have been a few bumps in the road, but over all we are pleased.
Before I left she said you need to read his paper he wrote that is hanging up on the wall outside. We said goodbye, and on the way out I stoped by to read it. The title was All about me, It had things like my name is Clay D Hankins I have 2 sisters I like superheros ect... things like hunting with his dad, then my favorite book is The Bible when I grow up I want to be a Preacher!! Are you crying yet, Then he drew a picture of him preaching it was the most precious thing I have ever seen. I will end with that

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

My guys A Hunting they Went.

I will say this first, on the first call as normal I asked any deers yet? The response was this No, but your son sure can throw some knives and tomahawks and is hitting the target with no problem. He can even throw them sideways and still hit and stick the bulls eye. Clay says's Mr. Mike keeps telling me " your wrong boy" because I can hit the target and he can't. What do you say to that? I just said Well Good son. He has a little pocket knife, and I just cringe when he gets it out I just know one day the tip of that finger is going to get it. Then off the the ER we will go ( I could just "Duck Tape" it that would be Nanny Hankins way of fixing it ).
Overall Dusty, my dad and Clay had a great time together they always do. My dad enjoys more it than anyone else I think. He loves getting to spend time with the family every chance he gets. They go back to the woods as soon as they take that last bite of Thanksgiving Lunch. The girls may go this year too OOH MY what will I do with the house to myself??? I will enjoy the quietness of it all, and RELAX!!!

Saturday, October 25, 2008

The ride in the car with my girls

My husband and son left after my son got home for school yesterday for deer camp, and I was headed to Cabot to take my oldest ( Emily ) to her Nanny's for the weekend. Then it would just be Hannah and me. I am so excited about that too, some bonding time. Well we are in the car and just talking about school and friends and just stuff, when Emily starts telling about this book she has got from the library, and has already read half of it. It is about this girl who basically ends up in the hospital with some type of bone disease and the Dr.'s think she is going to die. Well Emily starts to tear up and looks at me ask why things like this happen and why it happened to me ( my MS). Well I am trying not to cry and I answer her with this. God has a plan His timing is perfect. He allows things to happen for reasons that you and I may not understand till we are up in heaven with Him. Emily let me tell you a story that happened to me not to long ago. When I was having a very slow and weak day and could not do things on my own I had to have someone help me walk and get me dressed and do my hair and just do about everything for me I had someone say to me " I just don't know how you do it,How you make it through the day" I looked at them with a smile and said I don't God does it HE does it ALL. and I give Him all the glory for it. Emily just kinda looked at me. I said Emily I use to wonder why I had MS why I had to have it. I am a mom of 3 kids I don't have time for it. But you know what. I really think God allowed me to have MS (1) b/c I can handle it (2) I can use it as a witness tool to reach out to other people. You know I do not want to be pitied at all and I don't want attention drawn to me and that makes me strong. It was recently brought to my attention how my faith in God through this Illness has help someone else with there illness and that Emily is what I would like to know that I can do is to help someone else know that they can climb there mountain with God's strength. Because our God is so merciful and gracious.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Things Have for sure been a Wild Ride These past few weeks. From sickness,death to quitting of my job. To top it all off my emotions are going off the chart. My employers have been so great to work with me during this time, and it was a hard decision to make. I love working I love just getting out of the house, but God and my family comes first before any job. At this time I need to take care of my heath and my family. The fatigue and pain with my MS is my major problem. God has a plan for me and I can't wait to see what it is. Yes sometimes I have those bad days, that is where the faith is. Thank you God for your mercy, wonderful Grace, precious love.

I lost my PeeWee Last Friday Oct. 17th 2008 He was 94 with no sickness. He never took anything for anything. No blood pressure problems or heart, or anything he just got old and his earthly body gave out. How marvelous is that. WOW I would love that. He was so special to so many people so kindhearted always had a smile on his face. He gave me his warm hands. He had 5 kids 10 grand kids and 14 great grand kids 7 great great grand kids. He was so blessed. He loves his little puppy dogs Gracy and katie, They will help keep Mary busy now. She is so sweet. I thank God for blessing PeeWee with her, she took such good care of him in his life and loved him as a wife should. God is so good his plan is perfect.

Monday, September 29, 2008

This is what happens...

...When they allow ME, Billie, to guest post on their blog!

I was thinking...what can my first guest post be about? I thought. And searched. And thought some more.

Then, I remembered I had this:

Aren't they cute? I first met them in 2002 and this was the first directory picutre I ever took of them.

I just had to do it once I saw it! I mean, after seeing those 3 kids as grown up as they were on

Friday, September 26, 2008

Good Morning, I know It has been a few days but I am just learning how do this, so bear with me. I want to introduce you to my niece and NEW nephew. Taylor just turned 2 in August and Nathan Andrew was born on Monday Sept. 22nd. As you can probably tell, Taylor is a handful already, but she is so sweet. I know that Nate will give her a run for her money.

Hannah gave us a scare yesterday afternoon the school called and said they think she broke her arm. She fell off the monkey bars. Praise the Lord that she did not!!!!! She just bruised it real bad the Dr said, but that if the swelling does not come down to bring her back in or take her to her Dr. for another X-ray b/c hairline fractures don't always show up right away. DON'T YOU PEOPLE KNOW DON'T SAY THIS STUFF IN FRONT OF HER!!!! She is counting down the days! How did I get so lucky to get the privilege to raise one beautiful Drama Queen. Her prince better be prepared for her when he comes on his White horse! I think her daddy is making him an instruction book. This is one lucky prince I don't know of anyone else who is getting an instruction book, Do you?

Saturday, September 20, 2008

These are my Babies

Emily, Hannah,and Clay. They are such a blessing to me and Dusty (my husband) the greatest man ALIVE!! Yes I do get dramatic at times, You have to be, living in this house. We have drama and attitudes, you name it we have it. We have preteens here, strong willed, cry babies sometimes, Dusty is trying to grow out of that. No just kidding. My life is great I love it. The Lord has Blessed me.